Bulletin vs. Newsletter

Traditionally the Club Bulletin is the publication used to communicate with members. The age of digital communications has changed that, such that even the relevance of the club bulletin is now in question.


Websites vs. social media

Social media publicises and talks about your club and what you're involved in, whereas a website actually does things for your club.


Sponsors vs. Donors

A donor is an organisation that supports your cause and asks for little or nothing in return.  A sponsor is an organisation that sees business value in an association with your club and is prepared to pay for it.


Why have a Club website anyway?

It's conventional wisdom that your Club should have a website.  After all, it's expected and it's the done thing, right?  But have you ever asked "Why?"  Here are some powerful reasons why your website is so central to your club's well-being.  Things you might be missing out on, too.


Logo vs. Brand

The terms "logo" and "brand" mean hugely different things, yet are widely misunderstood and misused interchangeably.  Here is a simple explanation of the difference.


StreamScape can help your club

A StreamScape club website delivers unparalleled online marketing, member recruitment and PR opportunities for your club.